Use "euphemism|euphemisms" in a sentence

1. Breastings is a euphemism fo r shroud, just one o f the many euphemisms used in the industry

2. Pass water'is a euphemism for'urinate '.

3. (euphemism: bloody): blasted, Blimming, blooming; Verb

4. No point in mincing words or hiding behind euphemisms.

5. The word " euphemism " originates from Greek.

6. He expressed his thought by a euphemism.

7. Some languages provide a number of euphemisms to ease the discomfort.

8. " Pass away " is a euphemism for " die ".

9. No point is in mincing words or hiding behind euphemisms.

10. Dick, had become a euphemism for cock?

11. Euphemism is an important rhetorical device of English.

12. Shrinkage is the retail trade's euphemism for shoplifting.

13. 'Senior citizen' is a euphemism for 'old person'.

14. And I am using " brilliant " as a euphemism.

15. Highly - educated people tend to use more euphemism.

16. That could prove to be quite a euphemism.

17. From a diachronic point of view, languages are changing continuously, so are euphemisms.

18. The inflated style itself is a kind of euphemism.

19. 'User fees' is just a politician's euphemism for taxes.

20. Diplomatic personnel are the main users of such euphemism.

21. " Xia Gang " is a Chinese euphemism for " laid off ".

22. Frank lists examples of this craze for economic euphemisms with a mixture of horrified amazement and scorn.

23. Euphemism is a very common and complicated linguistic phenomenon.

24. "Xia Gang" is a Chinese euphemism for "laid off".

25. Euphemism is more frequently used between higher and lower levels.

26. Both had clearly spent the morning raiding the dictionary of euphemism.

27. See T-Word Euphemism for a mild form of Bowdlerization

28. We went to this terrible tourist trap for coffee, a euphemism.

29. 29 These euphemisms are accepted at face value-to the benefit of those labeled by them.

30. This is not just a liberal euphemism for the city's ethnic diversity.

31. The term "early retirement" is nearly always a euphemism for redundancy nowadays.

32. A euphemism is most apt to be noticed if it is new.

33. Challenged definition, a euphemism for disabled (usually preceded by an adverb): physically Challenged

34. Blankety definition: a euphemism for any taboo word Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

35. Re-engineering, in many cases, has been abused as a euphemism for downsizing.

36. The euphemism should be used correctly, reasonably and gradely according to the context.

37. With regard to the study of euphemism, it is limited to the range in related to taboo in English, while in Chinese euphemism is treated as a kind of rhetorical device.

38. The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.

39. Butt definition is - Buttocks —often used as a euphemism for ass in idiomatic expressions

40. Should innocence be preserved, or is it just a wishful euphemism for dangerous ignorance?

41. The parents used euphemisms such as Busing and neighborhood schools to maintain segregated schools without explicitly saying they did not want …

42. In language, these Blanknesses are created by technocratic euphemisms, Glomar responses, and whole pages’ worth of black-block redacted words

43. So far, the proponents have answered these questions by retreat into euphemism and advance into metaphor.

44. But most often Blin is used as an euphemism for a very rude Russian word " blyat "

45. The Chuff euphemism Used as an intensifier with question words to express extreme puzzlement, incredulity, indignation, etc

46. Cognitive-behavioral management, question-asking, self-revealing, euphemism and vagueness are useful strategies to achieve successful intercultural communication.

47. The Chuff euphemism Used as an intensifier with question words to express extreme puzzlement, incredulity, indignation, etc

48. There is a term called political correctness, and I consider it to be a euphemism for political Cowardice.

49. Our awareness of the euphemism is shown by our tendency to laugh at what we regard as false pretension.

50. But a recent desire for euphemism by Procter and Gamble strikes me as a possible exception to my rule.

51. Mendes encouraged some improvisation; for example, when Lester masturbates in bed beside Carolyn, the director asked Spacey to improvise several euphemisms for the act in each take.

52. Bish (plural Bishes) A minced oath, a euphemism by phonetic modification of "bitch" (as a term of abuse)

53. Chthonic deities In classical mythology, the dreaded deities of the underworld, who are so feared that they usually are nameless and are called only by euphemisms

54. Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.

55. Bullshit (also Bullshite or bullcrap) is a common English expletive which may be shortened to the euphemism bull or the initialism B.S

56. 26 Rhetorical devises are various, but those which operate in the increasing process are simile or metaphor, personification, metonymy , euphemism, garble and alias.

57. We term this co-production racial Cray-Cray (Cray-Cray=an African-American euphemism for utter craziness); the crazy making that results from White denial …

58. The term "Culling of the herd" is a euphemism for a dark strategy to kick-start an economy severely damaged by lockdowns

59. The term “Busing” is a race-neutral euphemism that allows people to pretend white opposition was not about integration but simply about a desire …

60. They use the euphemism "Caucused listening sessions," but they explicitly separated people by race—and are in violation of the Civil Rights Act

61. (This euphemism is losing out to plain old ass and butt on TV and elsewhere.) She needs some jeans that will flatter her Behind.

62. Euphemism (act: defecation) (soutenu) to have a Bowel movement : aller à la selle loc v locution verbale: groupe de mots fonctionnant comme un verbe

63. "Barleycorn" undoubtedly became part of that euphemism for alcohol because Barleycorns (that is, grains of barley) are a key ingredient in malt liquor

64. For the new title, Koyama coined the term okuribito as a euphemism for nōkanshi, derived from the words okuru ("to send off") and hito ("person").

65. The term derives from Carnal, meaning "of the flesh", and the Biblical usage of the verb know/knew, a euphemism for sexual conduct

66. Lockdown (a horrible euphemism drawn from the prison system) happened because the Apparatchiki of the Deep State decided it was necessary to close the useful parts of society

67. Usage Note: In writing, the form A is used before A word beginning with A consonant sound, regardless of its spelling (A frog, A university, A euphemism)

68. As nouns the difference between euphemism and Circumlocution is that euphemism is (uncountable) the use of a word or phrase to replace another with one that is considered less offensive, blunt or vulgar than the word or phrase it replaces while Circumlocution is a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea.

69. Caramba is a euphemism for carajo, which means "penis" and is a preferred curse word for those fey South Americans and Spaniards, and the bowdlerized ¡Ay, Caramba…

70. Authorities rounded up a number of fortune tellers and alchemists who were suspected of selling not only divinations, séances and aphrodisiacs, but also "inheritance powders" (a euphemism for poison).

71. Presenter Coach evaluates your pacing, pitch, your use of filler words, informal speech, euphemisms, and culturally sensitive terms, and it detects when you're being overly wordy or are simply reading the text on a slide.

72. In the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom, "Clopping" is a euphemism for masturbation, similarly to the furry fandom's use of the phrase "pawing off"

73. Adage definition: a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people synonyms: locution, proverb, expression, byword, saw, saying antonyms: dysphemism, euphemism, misconstruction

74. Kellyanne Conway, an advisor to President Donald Trump, used the euphemism Alternative facts when she was a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press on January 22, 2017 in a conversation with the show’s moderator Chuck Todd

75. ‘Religious Apologists have tended to argue from authority to justify their beliefs, often quoting from texts such as the Bible.’ ‘Her alibi, offered by her Apologists, is that she was starved of affection - a euphemism for sex.’

76. The Bucolically named Sanctuary Park Alien Relocation Camp continues in the fine tradition of such South African euphemisms as the Representation of Natives Act (1936; further reduces black suffrage, thereby not letting them be represented) or the Bantu Education Act (1953; enforces separate and unequal instruction, rather than promoting education).

77. 1 day ago · Twitter users were quick to point out the euphemism in a CNN tweet that referred to an alleged murder as an "Accident." "Police said the girls, 13 and 15, assaulted an Uber Eats driver with a

78. Cohabit (v.) "to dwell together," specifically "to dwell together as husband and wife," 1530s, a back-formation from Cohabitation (q.v.) or else from Late Latin Cohabitare.A euphemism to describe a couple living together without benefit of marriage and usually implying sexual intercourse.

79. That rhetorical evasion has Boomeranged around in a perverse way so that mainstream beliefs are now defined as “extremist”: Forbidden from discussing the actual nature and ideology of the threat which they were instructed to counter, America’s intelligence and law enforcement officials lived and died by euphemism.

80. For example, By Jove, I was glad to see her, or It was a great day, by Cracky.These mild oaths are euphemisms, the first for "by Jesus" or "by God" (Jove is another name for Jupiter, the principal Roman god), and the folksy variant by Cracky for "by Christ." Both idioms may be dying out.